
I’m Toby Goodman and I’m a musician.

When I started a podcast in 2014 to promote a party band, I had no idea that 6 years later, professionals including lawyers, oncologists, and NASA astronauts would hire me to coach and implement my contrarian methods.

A life in music taught me more about communication than I knew I knew!

In 2021 I wrote a book about the system I’d created.
By 2022 Narrow Podcasting was an international best-seller.
I published an online course. Check it out HERE

With the help of a plastic duck, I occasionally speak about these methods on stage.
So far: London, Las Vegas, Los Angeles.
You can use the form below if you’d like me to speak to your people.

I never work with more than a handful of established professionals.

If you’d like my support (including clarity audit), please take a few moments to fill out the form below.

If you want podcast production that is aligned with your business goals - check out my team at CxS Partners.com

👋 Connect with me on LinkedIn HERE

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